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For over 14 years, Central Hudson Gas & Electric has been at the top of their game when it comes to efficiency and response time. By using an automated callout system, the utility has responded on average to 99.8% of gas leak calls in 60 minutes or less since 2007. But if we were to visit Central Hudson Gas & Electric before 2005, it would have been a different story. 

The After-Hours Callout of Yesteryear 

In the early 2000s, Central Hudson dispatchers were manually handling emergency callout via a paper-based process: AKA, calling available employees one call at a time.  Dispatchers had to figure out who to call based on who was eligible for the job, what kind of workers they needed, and who was on vacation. As you can imagine, after-hours callout was a time-consuming and tedious process that took dispatchers’ attention away from focusing on many other critical tasks surrounding emergency management. 

When it comes to gas emergencies, time is of the essence. And with safety being your top priority, manual processes around emergency callouts (like phone calls, spreadsheets, or even whiteboards) can slow down your efforts to make it to the trouble as quickly as possible.

Welcome to 2021 and Beyond 

With the technology, innovation, and the ARCOS Resource Management platform at your fingertips, these struggles are far in the rearview mirror.  Once a pen and paper operation, Central Hudson now uses ARCOS Callout and Crew Manager for both daily operations and emergency events, leading to faster response times, and an increased focus on other essential aspects of emergency management.   

Are you currently using paper and spreadsheets to manage your after-hours callout and crews? What processes are holding you back? ARCOS offers a fully automated Resource Management platform to bring you into the world of automation, whether it is getting the right people to the job on time, managing crews, responding to and managing emergencies, and much more.  Check out our new case studies to learn more about their success with the ARCOS Resource Management Platform. 


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