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Two utility workers on cranes discussing issues with a transformer

No one knows what challenges tomorrow will bring. COVID-19 surges, natural disasters, and aging infrastructure surprises all attest to this simple fact. As storm season approaches, flooding and other events that cause damage to the water infrastructure are seemingly increasing. Spending time updating crew whiteboards and attempting to compile multiple spreadsheets can be a daunting and tedious task, however these headaches can be a thing of the past. Both decrease efficiency and when efficiency is low, more money is spent, and less work gets done – a situation where no one benefits. But you’re under constant pressure to do more with less, so the key is to figure out where you can automate some of those manual processes.

Streamlining operations and work during these situations can result in more wrench time and higher efficiency for priority projects. The key to maximizing efficiency and diminishing destruction is quick response and clean execution. When a water main breaks what you need are skilled men and women on the job as fast as possible. Rather than wasting time with manual preliminary tasks, wouldn’t it be nice to focus on the important things like safety and priority work? Organizing crews and work in the morning, sorting through vacation requests and union rules daily can get complicated quickly. As the old saying goes, ‘the grind never stops.’ Let’s put an end to the status quo by working smarter, not harder.

With automated systems, the time it takes to recognize and respond to a problem can be more than cut in half. Getting crews assembled with the right skill sets along with assets like trucks and equipment, and information about the job in a quick and organized manner (all while being recorded for historical look-back) makes a world of difference. Technology and automation are your best friends during stressful situations and allow workers and managers to focus less on menial tasks and more on productivity and safety.

With the ARCOS Resource Management platform, all of this is achievable. ARCOS solutions have helped water companies across the country manage the disasters that come their way every day. Whether it is caused by a natural disaster, water main break, or simple day to day operations, automation can make your life so much easier. The powerful tools we provide will ensure that you’re using your time as efficiently as possible and getting the job done right.


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