About Callout and Crew Manager
When emergencies and grey-sky events arise, you need to get the right personnel into the field quickly to expedite restoration. ARCOS delivers products that are purpose-built to help operations teams quickly dispatch and manage crews.
Callout is the industry-leading solution for automating complex callout processes to improve response time and customer satisfaction. Crew Manager helps utilities to quickly identify which crews, vehicles, and equipment are available for work while also improving the ability to assign, manage, and track these resources. With Callout and Crew Manager, your operations teams can:
- Improve service reliability by calling out utility crews faster when service is compromised
- Automate callouts around complex crew information, union rules, and scheduling data
- Digitize the morning shuffle as you drag, drop, and assign crews or resources based on real-time current availability
- Allow for seamless transition from day to day operations to emergency situations and increase crew planning time
- Save costs by eliminating paid wait times and callout grievances
Learn more from our short demo

Contact Us
Call us today to reduce the time required to assemble and track repair crews from hours to just minutes.